Project Love: Stripes & Lace
If you believe that winter nights were made to spend hours knitting in a comfy chair by the fireplace, you know it’s important to choose an entertaining pattern that will keep you awake all night long. Like a fast paced thriller full of twists and turns that get your pulse racing. In knitting language, we call it «stripes and lace».
Today in Project Love, let’s look at three beautiful patterns in which stripes and lace share the spotlight in a wonderful and very complementary way. Sophisticated and feminine, Moon Dust, Marrakesh and Spotlight are favourite playgrounds for colour lovers. Maybe you want to highlight the grace of the lace sections, or soften the striped pattern, or perhaps create stark contrasts… it’s time to let your creativity bloom.
So pick your favourite pattern or knit them all! But before you cast on, let these lovely projects inspire you.

Samantha’s Spotlight with Anzula Dreamy and Cascade Yarns Heritage Silk
Photo© Samantha912 on Ravelry