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Remove knitting from your to-do list

September 17, 2024
By Janina Kallio

Quiet Days – Easy rectangle shawl knitting pattern with garter stitch and eyelets.

Has knitting become another task on your to-do list?

Here’s the thing: you didn’t pick up those needles because you needed another project to finish.

You knit because it’s a moment of stillness in a hectic world—a chance to breathe, be present, and create something beautiful.

But somewhere along the way, we’ve all felt that subtle pressure: How many projects did I finish this month? Is this shawl taking too long?

What if I’m falling behind? (Spoiler: You’re not.)

There’s a certain kind of magic in knitting slowly, in taking your time with every stitch just because it feels good.

Let yourself linger over the feel of the yarn, get lost in the rhythm, and let go of the need to “get it done.”

This craft is as much about the process as the end result—maybe more.

Next time you reach for your knitting, remind yourself: there’s no rush. This isn’t a race.

Knit because it fills your cup, not because you need to cross something off a list. Your needles, your pace, your joy.

Knitting is meant to bring you pleasure, not pressure. So, let’s reclaim that simple joy. Set aside the productivity mindset and let yourself just enjoy.

Sound good? Quiet Days is the perfect pattern for getting lost in the rhythm of slow, meditative stitches.

Download the Quiet Days shawl knitting pattern and reclaim your own pace.

Quiet Days – Easy rectangle shawl knitting pattern with garter stitch and eyelets.

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