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Summer’s out, knitting’s in

September 13, 2024
By Janina Kallio

Wind Whisper – Beginner lace shawl knitting pattern with garter stitch and simple eyelets.

Summer is winding down, and the beach days and BBQs are fading into memory. The kids are back in school (finally!), and the house is a little quieter. Perfect time to reclaim some me-time, right?

After a summer of keeping everyone entertained, it’s time to focus on yourself again. The back-to-school season isn’t just for the kids—it’s also a great time to reset, recharge, and get back into the rhythms that make you feel good.

And what better way than with some peaceful, soul-soothing knitting?

The Wind Whisper shawl is just what you need to ease into your fall routine. It’s a low-stress project that lets you transition smoothly from busy summer days to those cosy autumn evenings.

With simple stitches and a relaxing flow, it’s the perfect way to unwind and treat yourself to some well-deserved me-time.

Use your favourite lace to fingering weight yarn for this relaxing project. Pick a colour that makes you feel calm, cool, and collected (even if that’s just an illusion for now).

I used one skein of The Woolen Rabbit Kashmir (80% merino, 10% cashmere, 10% nylon; 480 m / 525 yds per 114 g skein).

Note that many knitters have needed more yarn to complete the shawl when substituting. To be safe, make sure you have some extra yarn if you’re not using the same as the sample shawl.

Ready to embrace the end of summer with some stress-free knitting?

Download the Wind Whisper shawl knitting pattern and make this transition season all about you.

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